Bilaterales Forschungsprojekt FWF (I 2785; 2016-19) / ARRS (Slowenien)


In Kooperation mit Prof. Dr. Branko KLUN, Theologische Fakultät, Universität Ljubljana, Slowenien

Link Kooperationspartner



Dieses bilaterale, slowenisch-österreichische Forschungsprojekt zielt auf die Schaffung einer neuen Plattform, die den Dialog zwischen postmodernem philosophischem Diskurs und Theologie nachhaltig fördern möchte. Das zentrale Ziel dieses Forschungsvorhabens besteht darin, theologisch relevante Topoi im philosophischen Diskurs der "Postmoderne" zu identifizieren und in ihrer umfassenden Bedeutung zu reflektieren. Zu diesem Zweck werden drei wichtige Bereiche erforscht: Erstens fokussieren wir uns die sog. "theologische Wende" der französischen Phänomenologie (Lévinas, Henry, Marion, Chrétien, Lacoste), in deren Rahmen neue Möglichkeiten für eine kritische Diskussion des Verhältnisses von Philosophie und Theologie entwickelt wurden. Der zweite von uns gesetzte Schwerpunkt umfasst hermeneutische Positionen (Ricoeur, Vattimo, Caputo), die in einen Dialog mit dem biblischen Erbe eingetreten sind und solcherart das Potential postmodernen Denkens für die theologische Reflexion ebenfalls wesentlich mitbestimmen. Der dritte Bereich betrifft sodann zwei alternative, thematisch unterschiedlich gelagerte Ansätze: einerseits Girards affirmativen Rückgriff auf das Christentum im Rahmen seiner Anthropologie der Gewalt, andererseits Irigarays kritische Behandlung des Christentums  aus feministischer Perspektive. Im Zeichen dieser Zielstellungen und thematischen Achsen wird das Projekt in folgender Weise vorgehen: In einer ersten Phase wird das Forschungsteam eine kritische Aufarbeitung postmoderner Konzepte von Transzendenz erarbeiten, um die entscheidende Bedeutung dieses Begriffs für einen zeitgemäßen Dialog mit der Theologie zu reflektieren. In der zweiten Projektphase werden dann jene theologischen Topoi herausgearbeitet, die sich in allen von uns behandelten Bereichen nachweisen lassen. Der entscheidende neue Beitrag des Projekts besteht schließlich darin, diese beiden Foci zusammenzuführen und zu kombinieren: Unsere Analyse des postmodernen philosophischen Diskurses möchte dabei nicht nur seine Relevanz für die Theologie darlegen (ad intra), sondern zielt darüber hinaus auch darauf ab, die Präsenz oft unreflektierter religiöser Elemente und Topoi auf der Ebene gegenwärtiger Gesellschaftsordnungen herauszuarbeiten (ad extra). Die Synergien dieser beiden Herangehensweisen (ad intra and ad extra), die den Mehrwert dieses bilateralen Forschungsprojekts verkörpern, sollen dazu beitragen, neue Möglichkeiten des Dialoges zwischen Theologie und säkularem Denken zu entwickeln. In dieser Weise möchte das Projekt dazu beitragen, das moderne, gegenwärtig vielfach fraglich gewordene Paradigma einer rigorosen Trennung von Religion und Gesellschaft — die vielfach auf einen Ausschluss der Religion aus dem Bereich öffentlicher Deliberation hinauslief — kritisch ins Licht zu setzen und zur Entwicklung einer neuartigen Kultur der Koexistenz und des wechselseitigen Respekts beizutragen.


Förderdauer: 01.05.2016 - 30.06.2019






Vorträge und Aktivitäten

1. Michael STAUDIGL

20/04/2016     "Phenomenology in post-secular times: Positions, potentials and perspectives" (lecture at the Workshop "The return of the religious in postmodern thought", faculty for theology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
21/04/2016  "Toward a phenomenology of religious violence" (invited lecture Faculty for philosophy, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
20/110/2016  "Making Transcendence Together. Toward a New Paradigm for Phenomenology of Religion?" (lecture at the Workshop "Transcendence & Self-Transcendence: Pathways in Contemporary Philosophy of Religion", Institute for human sciences, Vienna, Austria)
24/02/2017  "The Body as a Medium of Transcendence" (lecture at the conference  "Rethinking Incarnation: Theology, Phenomenology and Deconstruction",  24-25 February 2017, Université de Montpellier, Montpellier, France)
24/03//2017 "Making Transcendence Together: Toward a New Paradigm for Phenomenology of Religion" (selected presentation at the conference "Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology", University of Warsaw, Poland)
09/06/2017 "Outline of a Relational Phenomenology of Religion" (lecture at the conference "(Re)Conceptualizing Religion in the Postmodern Context", 8-9 June 2017, Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
30/11/2017     "Transzendenz und Selbst-Transzendenz. Neue Wege in der Religions-phänomenologie" (invited lecture, Faculty for catholic theology, Univ. of Vienna, Austria)
08/12/2017     "Making Trancendence Together: Toward a Phenomenology of Religion and Religious Violence." (Invited lecture, Dep. for Philosophy, Södertörn Univ., Stockholm, Sweden)
25/01/2018    "Secularism and its Discontents: Drafting a Research Program"  (Lecture at the Dept. for Philosophy, Research Cluster "Religionsphilosophie, University of Vienna, Austria)
01/02/2018     "Making Transcendence Together: Toward a Phenomenology of Religious Violence" (Keynote lecture i.R. der Konferenz "Phenomenology, Religion and Violence", 1- February 2018, Dep. of Philosophy, University of Groningen, Netherlands)
12/03/2018     "The Crisis of Representation of Crisis… But which Crisis Indeed?" (Invited lecture at the Conference "The Crisis of Representation II", Research Platform for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, University of Vienna, 12 March 2018)
15/03/2018 "The Ambiguity of lived Religion. A Phenomenological" (Plenary lecture at the conference "Philosophie, Religion und Wissenschaft in der islamischen Lebenswelt", Dep. of philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria)
16/05/2018    "On the End/s of Religious Community: Introductory Remarks" (Opening speech at the international conference "The Ends of Religious Community.", University Vienna & IWM, Vienna, Austria)  

23/05//2018    "On Differences that Don't Make a Difference: The Porosity of Borders and the Exclusion of Otherness" (invited lecture at the Workshop "Religion, Community, Borders (II)", 23 May 2018, Faculty for Catholic Theology, University of Vienna, Austria)

05/09/2018    "Making Transcendence Together: Re-conceiving Phenomenology of Religion" (Lecture at the conference "Philosophy's  Religions", University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

12/12/2018    "Confronting religious violence with Paul Ricoeur." (lecture at the Workshop "Ricoeur an the return of religion", Research centre RaT, Faculty of Caholic theology, Univ. of Vienna, Austria)  

02/05/2019    "Demythologizing Christianity: Lessons from Patocka to Derrida." (Invited lecture at the conference "Imagining Christianity." University of Steubenville, Austrian Campus, Gaming, Austria)


2. Jason W. Alvis


20/04/2016    “In Remembrance of Me: Chretien’s Forgetting and a Phenomenology of Experience” (lecture at the workshop "The return of the religious in postmodern thought," Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

21/08/2016    “In Praise of Waste: Jan Patočka and Technology” (invited lecture at the Society for Reformational Philosophy, Leuven Belgium)

25/02/2017    “The Spectacle of God: Guy Debord, Feuerbach, and Incarnation” (lecture at the conference  "Rethinking Incarnation: Theology, Phenomenology and Deconstruction",  24-25 February 2017, Montpelier France

08/06/2017    “Religion, between Waste and Rejection: Derrida and De-Negations” (lecture at the workshop "(Re)Conceptualizing Religion in the Postmodern Context", 8-9 June 2017, Catholic Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

29/08/2017    "From the Unconditioned to Unconditional Claims: Karl Jaspers, Marion, and Religious Violence" (selected presentation at the conference "Faith in the Academy — Theology Among the Disciplines,"  28 - 30 August 2017, KU Leuven, Belgium)

09/02/2018    "The Janus-faces of Religionsphilosophie: Tasks for Phenomenology of Religion Today" (invited Professorship lecture, LMU Munich, Dep. of philosophy, Munich Germany)

22/03/2018    “Violence Gives Rise to thought: Paul Ricoeur and Religious Violence” (lecture at the conference “Phenomenologies of Religious Violence,” Faculty of catholic theology, University of Vienna, Austria)

28/08/2018    "Faith in an Age of Overwhelming Difference: Max Scheler’s Phenomenology of Religion" (invited lecture at the European Society for Philosophy of Religion Conference, Charle university Prague, Czech Republic)

06/09/2018     "Implicit Religion: Debord, Feuerbach, and Overcoming A God of Spectacle" (lecture at the Conference "Philosophy's Religions" Catholic Facvulty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

28/09/2018    "The Play of Truth: Eugen Fink's Phenomenology of Religion" (invited lecture at the International Society for Religion, Literature, and Culture, Uppsala University, Sweden)

03/11/2018    "The Counter-Spectacularity of Religion: Or, a Case for Inconspicuousness" (Plenary Lecture at the Society for the Phenomenology of Religious Experience, Charle University Prague, Czech Republic)

15/05/2019    "Suffering and the relevance of Ethics for Philosophy of Religion Today" (University of Groningen, Netherlands)

10/06/2019    "Phenomenologies of the Inconspicuous" (Habilitation Lecture, Dep. of philoophy, University of Vienna)

15/06/2019    "A Sense of the Unconditioned: Rethinking Hannah Arendt for Philosophy of Religion" (Invited lecture at the conference for the International Network for Philosophy of Religion, Institut catholique de Paris).



3. Ludger Hagedorn

09/06/2017:     "Spectres of Secularism. Remarks on (the End of) Religion and its Implications," Lecture at the Workshop (Re-)Conceptualizing Religion in the Postmodern Context, University of Ljubljana/Slovenia, June 8th/9th, 2017.

15/06/2017:     "Gespenster des Säkularismus. Bemerkungen zur Religion heute." (invited lecture at the conference "Konfession – Bildung – Politik. Von der Kraft kultureller Bildung", 15-16 June 2017, University of Erfurt, Germany).

08/11/2017    "Kołakowski and the Spectre of Secularism" (invited Lecture at the Conference "The Russian Revolution and the History of Ideas", 8-10 November 2017.  Polish Academy of Sciences, University of Warsaw, Poland)

15/12/2017:     "The 'Lightness and Fragility of the Human Fact.' Jan Patocka on the end(-s) of Humanism" (Keynote-Lecture for the 17th Annual Conference of the Polish Phenomenological Association: "History, Body, and Life-World," 15-16 December 2017, Institute of Philosophy, Warsaw University, December, Poland)

22/03/2018:     "Die Idee einer 'säkularisierten Erlösung'. Patocka zum Kult des Menschen in der Philosophie des 19. u. 20. Jahrhunderts" (lecture at the Workshop "Patočka und das XX. Jahrhundert", IWM/Vienna, 22 March 2018).

13/02/2019:     "Hidden Philosophical Perspectives of Patocka's Historicity and Eternity" (invited Presentation for the Workshop "Historicity & Eternity", Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 13 February 2019)

06/04/2019: "'Living in Truth' in postmodern times, or, what is the (non-)ideology of post-truth?", Debate at Yale University: Horchow Hall, Workshop Understanding Totalitarianism in a Postmodern World: Lessons from Central European Philosophy, April 5-6, 2018.

19/10/2019:     "For they do not know what they are doing. Promise, Forgiveness, Unconditioned Love", Lecture at YConference The Cryptotheological Legacy of Hannah Arendt; Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna; 17-19 October 2018.

4. Sebastian LEDERLE

12/062018:     "Zur genealogischen Dimension einer Geistesgeschichte der Technik bei Hans Blumenberg" (invited lecture at the  a.r.t.e.s.-graduate school, University of Cologne, Germany)

28/09/2019:_     Zeit für sich. Zeitphilosophische Aspekte der Technisierung bei Blumenberg (invited lecture at the Workshop "Technik und Zeit", Akademie Düsseldorf, Germany)






-. 2019. "Parasitic Confrontations: Toward a Phenomenology of Collective Violence." Studia phaenomenologica 19(2019): pp. 75-10. LINK:

-. 2018. Beyond Myth and Enlightenment Phenomenological Reconsiderations of Religion (Special journal issue). In: Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 17/2 (2018). LINK: 

 -. 2018. "On Secularism and its Discontents: Charting Pathways with a Phenomenology of Religion." Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 17/2 (2018): 238-52. LINK:

- / J. W. Alvis (Ed.). 2018. Phenomenology and the Post-Secular Turn: Contemporary Debates on the 'Return of Religion'. London et al.: Taylor & Francis. 

-. 2017. "Transcendence, Self-Transcendence, Making Transcendence Together: Toward a New Paradigm for Phenomenology of Religion. " Bogoslovni Vestnik / Theological Quarterly 77/3-4(2017): pp. 517-31. LINK:

-. Hoshikawa K, Staudigl M. (2017). "A Schutzian Analysis of Prayer with Perspectives from Linguistic Philosophy." Human studies, 40 (4), pp. 543-563. LINK:

- .2017. " Alfred Schutz and Phenomenology of Religion: Explorations into Ambiguous Territory." Human Studies 40/4(2017): 491-99.

-. 2017. Alfred Schutz and Religion. (Special Journal Issue) Human Studies 40/4(2019). LINK:

  (2016). " On Seizing the Source: Toward a Phenomenology of Religious Violence." International journal of philosophical studies 24/5(2016),:pp. 744-78. LINK:

-. / J. Alvis (eds.) (2016). Phenomenology and the Post-secular Turn: Reconsidering the ‘Return of the Religious’ (Special Journal Issue). International Journal of Philosophical Studies 24/5(2017).   LINK:

-. / J. W. Alvis (2016). "Phenomenology and the Post-secular Turn: Reconsidering the ‘Return of the Religious.’" International Journal of Philosophical Studies 24/5(2017): 589-99. LINK:


  --- In preparation ---


—, "Recovering the Vertical. Confronting Religious Violence in a Phenomenological Key." Phaenex: Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture 13/2(2019) (Special Issue ed. by J. Apostolescu) (in press)

—. 2020 (Hg.). Der Primat der Gegebenheit. Zur Transformation der Phänomenologie nach Jean-Luc Marion. Freiburg & Munich: Alber 2020 (in press)

—. "Zwischen Transformation und Häresie. Einleitende Überlegungen zu Jean-Luc Marion Phänomenologie der Gegebenheit," in M. Staudigl (Hg.), Der Primat der Gegebenheit. Zur Transformation der Phänomenologie nach Jean-Luc Marion, Freiburg & Munich: Alber 2020 (in press)

—. "The varieties of religious experience." The Journal of Cultural Sciences. The Ritsuman Bungaku 665/March (2020) (in press)


2. J. W. ALVIS


. 2019. "God’s Playthings: Eugen Fink’s Phenomenology of Religion in Play as Symbol of the World." Research in Phenomenology 49/1(2019): 88-117. LINK: 

-.2019. "Faith and Forgetfulness: Homo Religiosus, Jean-Louis Chrétien, and Heidegger." Religions 10/4(2019): 264-. LINK: 

-. 2019. "Anti-Event: A Case for Inconspicuousness in Religious Experience." Bogoslovni vestnik / Theological Quarterly 79/2 (2019): 395—410. LINK:

-. 2018. The Inconspicuous God: Heidegger, French Phenomenology, and the Theological Turn. Bloomington Indiana University Press. 

- .2018. "Making sense of Heidegger's 'phenomenology of the inconspicuous' or inapparent." Continental philosophy review, 51/2(2018): pp. 211-23. LINK:

-. 2018. "The political as saturated phenomenon? Marion and the primacy of givenness and eros." JCRT Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, 17 (2), pp. 396-414. LINK:

-.2017. "Transcendence of the Negative: Günther Anders’ Apocalyptic Phenomenology."  Religions 8/4(2017). LINK: 

-. 2017. "Phenomenology’s Rejects: Religion after Derrida’s Denegations." Open Theology 3/1(2017): 590-99. LINK:

-. 2017. "Scum of the Earth": Patočka, Atonement, and Waste. Labyrinth 19/1(2017): 102-119. LINK:

-. Bad Transcendence: Wahl, Anders, and Jaspers on the Dangers of Overcoming. Bogoslovni vestnik - Theological Quarterly, 77/3-4(2017), pp. 545—554. LINK: 

 -. (2016). "Review of: Anthony J. Steinbock: Phenomenology & Mysticism: The Verticality of Religious Experience." Human Studies 40/4(2016). LINK:


--- in preparation ---

—. Transforming the Theological Turn: Debates with Emmanuel Falque between Philosophy and Theology. Ed. Martin Koci & Jason Alvis. London et al.: Rowman & Littlefield 2020 (in preparation)

—. “Introduction" in: Transforming the Theological Turn: Debates with Emmanuel Falque between Philosophy and Theology. Ed. M. Koci & J. Alvis. London et al.: Rowman & Littlefield 2020 (in press)

—.  The Unconditioned God: Phenomenology and Faith in an Age of Conditions. London et al.: Rowman and Littlefield ("Philosophical Perspectives") (in preparation)

—. "Phenomenologies of the Victim. Perspectives from Religion and Violence." (Special Journal Issue)  Philosophy Today, ed. L. Hagedorn  J. W. Alvis (in preparation)





- / Sternad C., 2018. Phenomenologies of sacrifice. In: Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy (Journal Special Issue). LINK: 

- / C.  Sternad. 2018. "introduction." Metodo 6 (2), pp. 7-18. LINK:  

- .2017. "Die unermessliche Leichtigkeit und Zerbrechlichkeit des menschlichen Faktums." Jan Patočka und die Krise des Humanismus. Labyrinth 19/1(2017): 46-62. LINK: 

-. 2017. "Der Schleler der Vernunft." Theologie der Gegenwart, 60 (4), pp. 295-300. LINK: 

-.  2017. "Editorial." Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 19/1(2017):5-11. LINK:

- / Paul Marinescu. 2017. Exploring the Undisclosed Meanings of Time, History, and Existence: Paul Ricoeur and Jan Patočka as Philosophical Interlocutors (Journal Special Issue) Meta. Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 9/2(2017). LINK:

- / Paul Marinescu. 2017. "Exploring the Undisclosed Meanings of Time, History, and Existence." META: RESEARCH IN HERMENEUTICS,PHENOMENOLOGY, AND PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY, 9 (2), pp. 379-38. LINK:

- / M. Lewandowska (Hg.). 2017. DEKALOG heute: 21 literarische Texte zu 10 Geboten . Munich, Freiburg: Herder





-. 2018. "Pflicht und Kür einer Theorie des Mythos." Journal of literary theory, LINK:

Konferenzen und Workshops

The following, jointly organized workshops and conferences have been organized in the framework of the grant program:

Workshop 1:         "The Return of the Religious in Postmodern Thought: Explorations between  Philosophy and theology " (Ljubljana, 20 April 2016 ) (Org. Klun & Staudigl)

Workshop 2:         "Transcendence and Self-Transcendence: Pathways in  Contemporary Philosophy of  Religion" (Vienna, 20-21 October 2016) (Org. Klun & Staudigl)

Conference 1:         "Rethinking Incarnation: Theology, Phenomenology, and  Deconstruction" (Montpellier 24-25 February 2017) (Org. Klun & Staudigl)

Workshop 3:         "(Re)Conceptualizing Religion in the Postmodern Context", 8 - 9 June 2017 (Org. Klun & Staudigl)

Conference 2:         "The End/s of Religious Community. Challenging Continental Philosophy of  Religion II" (Vienna, 16 - 18 May 2018) ((Org. Staudigl, Alvis, & Hagedorn)

Conference 3:         "Philosophy's Religions. Challenging Continental Philosophy of Religion III"  (Ljubljana, 5 - 7 September 2018) (Org. Klun & Staudigl)

Conference 4:  "The Cryptotheological Legacy of Hannah Arendt" (Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna; 17-19 October 2018) (Org. Hagedorn)

Workshop 4:     "Conflict and Interpretation. Ricoeur and the Return of Religion" (Vienna, 12             December 2018) (Org. Alvis)

Workshop 5:"Applying Phenomenology of Religion" (Vienna, 25 - 26 June 2019) (Org. Staudigl)